Stuttgart - CLPA Gateway to Asia: Successful in Asian automation markets, 10/02/2014
CLPA Gateway to Asia: Successful in Asian automation markets
How can medium-sized companies participate in the growing automation market in China? Which technical conditions are there for a market entry, and which systems are able to open the door to Chinese or Asian users? These questions took center stage of a seminar with Asia managers of companies Balluff, Festo, mushroom, Mitsubishi, and Renesas. Berners Consulting organized the seminar for the CC link partner Association (CLPA).
At this Gateway to Asia Seminar, the expert managers gave insights into her success stories in China and Asia. John Browett, General Manager of CLPA Europe, illustrated opportunities for a market development in the Asian automation environment, and concrete support measures within the partner network CLPA. This was complemented and further detailed by field reports from the
China is rapidly evolving from a low-cost production location to an automation hub. Although China is already one of the biggest markets for automatic control engineering, the Chinese medium-sized enterprises are just at the beginning of their automation learning curve.
Lutz Berners, Managing Director of Berners Consulting GmbH agreed with the other experts in saying: "Partnerships are irreplaceable in Asia. The example of the CLPA shows how a technically motivated association of companies can produce benefits that go beyong technology. For example, market development, partner search or even simply having friends in doing daily business in a foreign country. Together, everybody is stronger. Also, Chinese customers strongly tend to the market leader. Therefore, make it sense especially for medium-sized enterprises to associate themselves with a local market leader - in the case of the Chinese automation market: with CC link technology, for example.
For further information, please visit the official CLPA-website:
Please contact if you have questions about CLPA or automation technology in China.